Making InDesign work for you
Artwork tuition (on site or online)You get to ask questions and debate the answers as we go. The improvements you make should pay you a regular dividend for the rest of your working life.
InDesign’s tool boxTo get the best out of these tools you need to understand what they have to offer so that you can make them work for you.
Type stylesTable and cell stylesObject stylesAnchored objectsMaster pagesThere are three key areas for improving efficiencyKeyboard short cuts (to access menus, navigate documents and apply styles)
Applying styles (without using the select and click method)
Technique and approach (how you go about constructing your artwork)
Please call or email to discuss your requirements.
Keith Scott is a latter-day traditional typesetter specialising in typographically and technically challenging artwork
My background
Artwork origination
Artwork tuition
Artwork helpline
76 Brox Road Ottershaw
Chertsey Surrey KT16 0LE
07885 827 960
VAT No. 636 1424 54
Terms and Conditions
ARTWORK£40 per hour (normal office hours) plus VAT
TUITIONOn site: £500 per day (plus travel 50p per mile)
On line: £100 per hour
(There is no VAT on tuition)
Terms and conditions of The Scott Partnership (TSP)It is the client’s responsibility to check that a job is passed for print or web. On the client’s written, email or verbal instruction we will forward the relevant files to the appropriate destination.
Should an error subsequently be found in the artwork supplied the client must accept that we cannot be held responsible or liable by the client or anyone else for any costs they may incur in any event. However, should this occur we will correct the relevant artwork at our studio and re-supply that artwork via email.
Until it has been paid for in full, and payment verified, all design and artwork supplied by TSP remains the property of TSP.
All working files remain the property of TSP unless otherwise agreed. These terms may be updated or amended without notice. Invoice terms 14 days from date of invoice.
As a common artworker I assist studios all over the country as an external resource (freelance) by taking on the kind of work that many people consider a tedious and boring task, the styling and placing of type and images on lots (hundreds) of pages.Coming from a traditional typesetting background I find producing artwork for all manner of unwieldy content, from catalogues and university year books to annual reports or technically challenging brochures, a rather ‘interesting challenge’ – using InDesign to achieve the desired result with full typographic control.
Using InDesign to its full potential to control the entire content (through type, table and object styles) gives you full typographic consistency, flexibility and a much higher level of efficiency.
This means I can (usually) keep within the most eye-watering budget and time-frame – and I’m always game for a challenge.